Estate & Land Management

Frequently Asked Question

Complaint can be lodged with NKDA Help Line at the toll-free number of 1800 -103-7652. Alternatively, citizens may inform the Concerned Officer designated for his area. Contact details are available at NKDA website under Estate & Land Management Department.


a. MAA Canteen near DCP Office

b. MAA Canteen near CG Market

c. MAA Canteen at CNCI 2 nd campus


Token delivery time 9:00 am to 10:00 am.
Food Delivery time 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

An application may be submitted as per prescribed format along with necessary document at NKDA for which Street for People space shall be required. Approval shall be accorded as per Authority’s decision.

Apply as per proforma in NKDA website and selection will be made through interview by the committee.

Anyone may come with their clothes to zero shop at 1 st rotary from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm any day except Monday.

Vector Control Activity

Click here for more details.

Space for Booking & Charges

Click here for more details.

Block supervisor

Contact Details